Tuesday May 21, 2024

8 Secrets to Building a Million Dollar Business

Prepare for growth with these insights on refining your customer base, overcoming business bottlenecks, and leveraging strategic metrics for scaling in this dynamic episode. Discover practical strategies to attract the “good” customers and optimize your operations, from marketing to customer service. Learn how small, consistent improvements can dramatically reshape your business. Whether you're looking to dominate your local market or streamline your operations, this episode packs powerful tactics to transform your business approach. Join host Adam Sylvester and Dominic Rubino, host of the Profit Toolbelt podcast. 


(00:30) Introduction to the episode and guests 

(01:00) How get more of the “good” customers 

(02:53) How to understand what your ideal customer is 

(04:14) Reaching out to ideal customers, including both online and in person 

(05:51) How to avoid becoming the bottleneck in your business 

(09:11) Strategic planning and tracking the right business metrics 

(11:31) The roles of marketing, sales, and customer service in business growth 

(13:10) What Adam loves about Jobber, and how he uses it to run a successful business

(14:05) Why bottlenecks are like schoolyard bullies 

(16:30) Making small, consistent improvements rather than large, dramatic changes 

(21:00) Practical marketing strategies, focusing on dominating a neighborhood and client acquisition 

(24:45) Reducing operational costs by minimizing travel time and optimizing client locations 

(26:13) How accountability impacts business management, the benefits of having accountability partners 

(29:21) Adam’s takeaway tips: you need to have a business owner mentality and get out of technician mode, don’t be the bottleneck - make small, weekly changes, and lastly, own the neighborhood where your best clients are 

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